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Premium Package
See content examples below 👇
Build A Profitable Brand.
Designed to keep you top-of-mind and build trust in your brand consistently each month.
30min Strategy Meeting
During our strategy meeting we learn what goals you want to hit, problems we need to solve, and content to make for the next 6 months.
x5 Graphics/Month
We will create x5 professional graphics each month for you to use on social media (see examples below).
x10 Photos/Month
x2 Reels (60sec)/Month
We will take up to x10 professional photos each month for us to use for content/promotion to help your business stand out online.
We will create x2 videos/reels each month up to 60secs long to keep your business top of mind, improve your online presence and reach new customers.
1.5H/Filming A Month
We will come in each month for 1.5h to film new-professional content, starting to build a library of professional content of your business.
Full-time employee
This package is as if you hired a full-time employee for $6.50 for the next 6 months!
The Premium Pack is the right choice for you.
$1,000/Month for 6 Months
Graphics Examples

Video Examples
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